By: James Davis

I want to thank everyone that has entrusted me over the years in his or her time of need, and I look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.  I will continue to practice criminal defense and fight for your rights.  As I have always done, I will continue to tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. It is my duty and job to say it like it is.  Hopefully, I can give good news more often than not.

Being arrested is a traumatic event for most people. Often, people are embarrassed or ashamed to call upon a lawyer for help. Like I tell everyone, I DEFEND, NOT JUDGE.  I don’t care if you’re guilty or not.  My job is to get you through the situation the best way we can. Rest assured no matter what happened; we will not judge you for it.

I will make every effort to update this blog once per week with my personal commentary on whatever sparks my interest. So check back often to hear it as it is in the law, current events or whatever comes to mind.