National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is Helping to Change Florida Law  

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is Helping to Change Florida Law Many major changes in marijuana laws have already occurred in states across the nation, with many more well-organized movements taking shape, including the one currently gaining momentum in the state of Florida. While these changes are positive, the rapid pace at which they … Read more

Lesser Included Offense

Lesser Included Offense   In Florida, it is not uncommon for prosecutors to charge a criminal defendant with several offenses even though they all arose from the same conduct. For example, a defendant may be charged with simple possession of cocaine and also with the possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute. In order to prove … Read more

What is the Difference in a Dismissal with Prejudice and Without Prejudice?

What is the Difference in a Dismissal with Prejudice and Without Prejudice? After criminal charges have been filed and the case is pending, either the prosecution or the defense may make a motion asking that the charges be dismissed. The court may grant the motion and dismiss the case either with prejudice or without prejudice. Dismissal … Read more

Florida’s New Medical Marijuana Law

Florida’s New Medical Marijuana Law In 2014, Florida citizens legalized the use of a non-euphoric type of cannabis, referred to as Charlotte’s Web, for people who suffered from ailments such as uncontrollable seizures, cancer, and chronic muscle spasms. In 2016, the law was expanded to allow terminally ill cancer patients to use full-strength marijuana. Also in November 2016, … Read more

Marijuana: It’s Still Illegal, It’s Still a Crime

Marijuana: It’s Still Illegal, It’s Still a Crime Although medical use of marijuana became legal in Florida effective January 3, 2017, possession of nonmedical marijuana is still a crime under both state and federal law. Possession of less than 20 grams is a misdemeanor, but any quantity greater than that is a felony under both state and … Read more

Double Jeopardy: Can I Be Charged in State and Federal Court for the Same Conduct?

Double Jeopardy: Can I Be Charged in State and Federal Court for the Same Conduct? Almost everyone is familiar with the Fifth Amendment and its protection against Double Jeopardy. Most people understandably assume that it means what it says: That a person cannot be prosecuted twice for the same offense. Unfortunately, there are exceptions to the rule. … Read more

Defrauding a Bank: Federal Law

Defrauding a Bank: Federal Law Being charged with defrauding a bank under Florida law is a serious offense. Depending on the circumstances and specific conduct that is alleged, a prison sentence of up to 15 years may be imposed. Penalties are even greater if charged with a violation of federal law. The alleged conduct may be the … Read more

Defrauding a Bank: Florida State Law

Florida law concerning defrauding a bank, defined in the statute as a financial institution, is complex. If you have been charged with such an offense, you will need the assistance of a Jacksonville criminal defense attorney who is skilled in theft and fraud defense in order for you to understand what conduct allegedly violated the state statute. You … Read more