Violations of the New Medical Marijuana Laws

Violations of the New Medical Marijuana Laws   Florida is one of the 29 states that has legalized the use of medical marijuana. However, this legalization does not imply a relaxation of criminal laws regarding marijuana. Unauthorized possession and distribution remain criminal offenses that can result in felony charges. Additionally, driving under the influence of marijuana is … Read more

Florida Medical Marijuana Laws are Confusing: What Residents Need to Know

Florida Medical Marijuana Laws are Confusing: What Residents Need to Know As state legal codes become increasingly complicated, it can be difficult for citizens to keep track of current and upcoming changes to the laws they are expected to live by, even those that may affect their lives. Even worse, is the barrage of news and opinion pieces that surround … Read more

It’s Not Just Sex!

It Isn’t Just Sex! Making Sense of Florida’s Complicated Prostitution Laws   It is an accepted fact that Florida’s prostitution laws are stringent, as part of the state’s resolve to diminish or extinguish the prostitution industry and help stop the serious problem of sex trafficking. As these laws have become tougher, they have also become much more complicated. … Read more

Florida’s Tougher Prostitution Laws: What Residents & Guests Should Know

Recent changes in the state’s prostitution laws have created problems for those who live in or enjoy visiting the Sunshine State. In fact, Florida statute 796.07 offers a laundry list of activities that can lead to being charged with the unfortunate crime of prostitution.  A Statute Covering a Wide Variety of Potential Offenses Because the statute is … Read more

Charged with a Crime? An Overview of Florida Law on Offer for Prostitution and Sale of Narcotic Offenses

Charged with a Crime? An Overview of Florida Law on Offer for Prostitution and Sale of Narcotic Offenses   Knowledge is always the best defense, especially when a Florida resident or visitor is accused of a serious crime or offense, such as an offer for prostitution or the sale of narcotics. With criminal defense attorney Jacksonville FL … Read more

What is the Difference in a Dismissal with Prejudice and Without Prejudice?

What is the Difference in a Dismissal with Prejudice and Without Prejudice? After criminal charges have been filed and the case is pending, either the prosecution or the defense may make a motion asking that the charges be dismissed. The court may grant the motion and dismiss the case either with prejudice or without prejudice. Dismissal … Read more

Admissibility of Defendant’s Admissions  

In all court proceedings, both civil and criminal, the Florida Evidence Code prohibits the admission of hearsay statements. Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered at trial for the purpose of “proving the truth of the matter asserted.” As is often the case with many statutes, there are exceptions to the general hearsay rule. Florida Evidence Code, … Read more