Florida Medical Marijuana Laws are Confusing: What Residents Need to Know

Florida Medical Marijuana Laws are Confusing: What Residents Need to Know As state legal codes become increasingly complicated, it can be difficult for citizens to keep track of current and upcoming changes to the laws they are expected to live by, even those that may affect their lives. Even worse, is the barrage of news and opinion pieces that surround … Read more

Florida Marijuana Laws: What to Know to Keep Your Summer Fun

Florida Marijuana Laws: What to Know to Keep Your Summer Fun Florida has long been a mecca for those looking for the benefits of a mild climate, beautiful beaches, and clear blue water. According to recent statistics, Florida had more than 140 million visitors in 2023, continuing its position as a top global travel destination. Because many of these … Read more

It’s Not Just Sex!

It Isn’t Just Sex! Making Sense of Florida’s Complicated Prostitution Laws   It is an accepted fact that Florida’s prostitution laws are stringent, as part of the state’s resolve to diminish or extinguish the prostitution industry and help stop the serious problem of sex trafficking. As these laws have become tougher, they have also become much more complicated. … Read more

Charged with a Crime? An Overview of Florida Law on Offer for Prostitution and Sale of Narcotic Offenses

Charged with a Crime? An Overview of Florida Law on Offer for Prostitution and Sale of Narcotic Offenses   Knowledge is always the best defense, especially when a Florida resident or visitor is accused of a serious crime or offense, such as an offer for prostitution or the sale of narcotics. With criminal defense attorney Jacksonville FL … Read more

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is Helping to Change Florida Law  

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is Helping to Change Florida Law Many major changes in marijuana laws have already occurred in states across the nation, with many more well-organized movements taking shape, including the one currently gaining momentum in the state of Florida. While these changes are positive, the rapid pace at which they … Read more

Double Jeopardy: Can I Be Charged in State and Federal Court for the Same Conduct?

Double Jeopardy: Can I Be Charged in State and Federal Court for the Same Conduct? Almost everyone is familiar with the Fifth Amendment and its protection against Double Jeopardy. Most people understandably assume that it means what it says: That a person cannot be prosecuted twice for the same offense. Unfortunately, there are exceptions to the rule. … Read more

Defrauding a Bank: Federal Law

Defrauding a Bank: Federal Law Being charged with defrauding a bank under Florida law is a serious offense. Depending on the circumstances and specific conduct that is alleged, a prison sentence of up to 15 years may be imposed. Penalties are even greater if charged with a violation of federal law. The alleged conduct may be the … Read more

Admissibility of Defendant’s Admissions  

In all court proceedings, both civil and criminal, the Florida Evidence Code prohibits the admission of hearsay statements. Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered at trial for the purpose of “proving the truth of the matter asserted.” As is often the case with many statutes, there are exceptions to the general hearsay rule. Florida Evidence Code, … Read more

What is a Motion to Suppress?

A Motion to Suppress is a pretrial motion filed by the defense and must follow the Florida rules of Criminal Procedure. It presents the argument to the court that evidence was obtained in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights and should therefore be inadmissible at trial. If the court agrees there were constitutional violations and decides in … Read more